Kaalamega Narayana Chendhooram (KMNC): Standardization, Characterization, and Instrumental Analysis of a Potential Anti- Oral, Anti-Lung, and Anti-Prostate Cancer of Herbal Mineral Formulation (A Siddha Medicine for Oral, Lung, and Prostate Cancer)


  • Satheesh C Agash Siddha Wellness Centre and Lab, Chennai- 610044, Tamil Nadu- India
  • Balasubramanian S Shanmuga Siddha Clinic and Laboratories, Thanjavur- 613006, Tamil Nadu- India
  • Kalaiselvi D Rasi Clinic, Thottiyam-621215,Trichy-Dist, Tamil Nadu- India
  • Abinaya R Agash Siddha Wellness Centre and Lab, Chennai- 610044, Tamil Nadu- India




KMNC, Prostate Cancer, Siddha pharmaceuticals


Lack of drug standardization is the main obstacle preventing Siddha pharmaceuticals from being recognized more frequently in poorer nations. The current study also standardized a Siddha herbal-mineral creation of KMNC that indicated cervical cancer by investigating its physio-chemical. Fourier transforms infrared radiation properties. It was performed to produce evidence-based statistics about this new formulation and to give researchers helpful information. The drug particle size was determined by SEM examination. XRF analysis was used to determine the medication's component percentage. On-to-be nanometers indicate that the experimental drug may have effective drug delivery. The physicochemical characteristics also instrumental investigations of KMNC are discussed in this work as part of standardization by AYUSH Guidelines. This Indian medical system describes KMNC as a white powder containing herbs, metal, also mineral ingredients. The physio-chemical assessment's findings show that KMNC has a specific gravity of 0.927, a pH assessment of 7.8, also percentage of losses after 105 ? C 0.3±0.05568 %, and a total ash rate of 1.2%.


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How to Cite

C, S. ., S, B. ., D, K. ., & R, A. . (2023). Kaalamega Narayana Chendhooram (KMNC): Standardization, Characterization, and Instrumental Analysis of a Potential Anti- Oral, Anti-Lung, and Anti-Prostate Cancer of Herbal Mineral Formulation (A Siddha Medicine for Oral, Lung, and Prostate Cancer). Future Journal of Pharmaceuticals and Health Sciences, 3(3), 314–331. https://doi.org/10.26452/fjphs.v3i3.487



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