Author Guidelines
Future Journal of Pharmaceuticals and Health sciences (FJPHS) is an open access online journal. FJPHS is a peer-reviewed journal that is mainly aimed at quality of work rather than quantity, innovations than imitations. It is an official journal of Pharmasprings Publications. It mainly covers the articles of special interest, covering the areas of Pharmaceutical research, laboratory innovations, new improvements in technology, and other related issues. It encourages issues of vital importance to Pharmaceutical education and research. The goal of the journal is to provide quality publications and publish the most important research, review articles, case study report and short communication in the field of drug development, Pharmaceutical Sciences & allied sciences. We welcome submissions from all the disciplines of Pharmaceutical Sciences including Pharmaceutics, Pharmaceutical Technology, Drug Design and Development, Biopharmaceutics and Pharmacokinetics, Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Pharmaceutical Analysis, Pharmacology and Pharmacognosy, Nanotechnology, Medical sciences, Pharmaceutical Biotechnology, Pharmaceutical Management, Hospital Management, Clinical Pharmacy, Hospital Pharmacy, and Community Pharmacy, Pharmacy Practices, Clinical Research, Pharmacovigilance, Bioinformatics, Regulatory Affairs, etc All the disciplines of Allied Sciences including Biology, Biochemistry, Health outcomes research, Evidence based medicine, Microbiology, neurosciences, pathology, Biomaterial sciences, Natural chemistry, green chemistry, physiology & medical sciences.
Authors can register and submit items to the journal directly through the journals web site The Author is asked to upload the item, as well as provide metadata or indexing information associated with the item, to improve the search capacity for research online and for this journal. The Author is also able to accompany an item with Supplementary Files in the form of data sets, research instruments, or source texts that will enrich the item, as well as contribute to more open and robust forms of research and scholarship. The author can track the submission through the editorial process - as well as participate in the copyediting and proofreading of submissions accepted for publication - by logging in, and using the username and password provided.
Single MS Word Document file containing Title page, Abstract, Manuscript (MS Word file) should be submitted with every manuscript to identify the person (with address and telephone number) responsible for correspondence concerning the article. This letter should make it clear that the final manuscript has been seen and approved by all authors. FJPHS and our editors expect that all authors will disclose any commercial associations they have that might give rise to a conflict of interest in connection with the submitted article.
Types of Manuscripts Accepted
- Review articles
- Research papers
- Short communication
- Case Study Reports
- Conference Processing
- Editorial Note
All paper manuscripts must be written in standard grammatical English. All manuscripts should conform to the Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to FJPHS.
Checklist of Manuscript Include
Manuscripts are accepted on the understanding that the authors have obtained the necessary authority for publication. Manuscripts with multi-authors imply the consent of each of the authors. The publisher will presume that the corresponding author has specifically obtained the approval of all other co-authors to submit the article to FJPHS. Submission of an article to FJPHS is understood to imply that it has not been either published or not being considered for publication elsewhere. Manuscripts should be neatly typed, 12 points, Double line spaced throughout, including tables, Figures and images on pages of uniform size with at least 1-inch margins on all sides. Word counts are not specified. However, 3000 to 10000 words for review, 3000 to 5000 words for research articles, and 1000 to 3000 for technical notes, commentaries, and short communications are preferable. The Additional processing charges may not apply if pages exceed the limits. Future Journal of Pharmaceuticals & health Sciences sponsored by Pharmsprings Publication therefore author-payable article-processing charges do not apply. On acceptance, authors are asked to fill the copyright transfer form that is available on the journal website.
The order of Manuscript
- Title page
- Abstract
- Keywords
- Introduction
- Materials and Methods
- Results and Discussion
- Conclusion
- Acknowledgments
- References
Manuscript Title: The title page should contain a clear, concise, and informative title of the article.
List of authors, their affiliations, and email addresses
There is a maximum of 8 authors of a manuscript, although all work must have been approved by all co-authors. All persons who have made substantial contributions to the work reported in the manuscript (e.g. data collection, analysis, writing, or editing assistance) but who do not fulfill the authorship criteria must be named with their specific contributions in an Acknowledgment in the manuscript.
Authorship Criteria
Credit should be based on the following criteria:
- Substantial contributions to conception and design, or acquisition of data, or analysis and interpretation of data
- Drafting the article or revising it critically for intellectual content
- Final approval of the version to be published
- Writing assistance from medical writers or agencies must be included in the Acknowledgments section, or should be given appropriate credit as authorship
Abstract - The abstract should briefly introduce the manuscript, not exceeding 200-400 words. No citations should be included in the abstract.
Keywords - At least 3-8 keywords or phrases should be included and must be separated by commas to distinguish them.
Introduction - The introduction section should provide a context for your manuscript. When preparing the introduction, please bear in mind that some readers will not be experts in your field of research.
Material and methods - Please provide concise but complete information about the material and the analytical, statistical, and experimental procedures used. This part should be as clear as possible to enable other scientists to repeat the research presented. The use of subheadings to divide the text is encouraged. Primary headings, Secondary, or subheadings should be in bold sentence case. Third level subheadings should be in Italicized sentence Case. In the case of animal/human experiments or clinical trials, authors must give the details of ethical approval (Mandatory).
Result and Discussion - Data acquired from the research with the appropriate statistical analysis described in the methods section should be included in this section. In this part, the same data/ information given in a table must not be repeated in a figure or vice versa. Tables and Figures should be self-explanatory and it is not acceptable to repeat extensively the numerals from tables into text and give lengthy and unnecessary explanations of the Tables and Figures. The discussion should relate the results to the current understanding of the scientific problems being investigated in the field.
Figures and Tables
- Table and Figures should be embedded within the body text, do not keep at the end of the manuscript
- Number consecutively
- Provide a descriptive heading/legend
- Place abbreviations and footnotes immediately below the table
- Use superscript a, b, c as identifiers
- Illustrations submitted (line drawings, halftones, photos, photomicrographs, etc.) should be clean originals or digital files. Digital files are recommended for the highest quality reproduction (300 dpi or higher, sized to fit on the journal page, JPEG format only).
- Submit multi-panel figures, i.e. with parts labeled a,b,c,d, as one file
Submission of Manuscript - All manuscripts should be submitted via our journal website online submission system.
- By doing so you agree to the terms and conditions of submission
- Keep backup soft copies and hard copies of the material submitted
Conclusions - A conclusion is where you summarize the paper's findings and generalize their importance, discuss ambiguous data, and recommend further research. An effective conclusion should provide closure for a paper, leaving the reader feeling satisfied that the concepts have been fully explained.
Acknowledgments - You as the author are free to decide whether to include acknowledgments or not. Usually, the acknowledgments section includes the names of people who in some way contributed to the work, but do not fit the criteria to be listed as the authors. This section of your manuscript can also include information about funding sources.
Conflict of interest statements
Should be declared by Authors
Reference Style Guidelines
FJPHS follow Vancouver reference style (Square brackets referencing e.g. [1].
- Please note that authors are responsible for the accuracy and completeness of their references.
- Text citations: Cite references sequentially in text, tables, and legends. The structure of a citation under the Vancouver style is the author's surname, year of publication, and page number or range, in parentheses, as illustrated with the example below in this author guideline.
- Reference list: Complete citations are provided in alphabetical order in a section following the text, usually designated as References.
- All citations are in the same font as the main text.
Creating a reference list: All of the sources you refer to in the main body of your assignment need to be listed at the end of the assignment in a reference list. In a reference list, you only need to list those sources from which you have either quoted or paraphrased. For example, you do not have to list books you used for background reading purposes. When creating a reference list, the sources should be listed alphabetically by authors surname, should be left-justified, and the references should never be preceded by a bullet-point or number. Where the author is anonymous or unknown for any one source, insert that source in the alphabetical list using the title of the source instead of the author's name. All sources should be listed together; there should not be separate lists for books versus journal articles versus electronic sources. The reference list should be on a separate page from the rest of the assignment and should be simply titled References or Literature Cited and the title should be in the same font and size as the other headings in your assignment.
When you use the Vancouver System, you are only usually required to produce a reference list. However, some lecturers and tutors may want you to produce a bibliography instead of a reference list. In cases where you are asked to produce a bibliography, you must list all sources you have consulted, regardless of whether you cited from them or not. Also, some lecturers or tutors may ask you to produce an annotated bibliography or reference list. This simply means that after each source listed, you write a couple of sentences that appraise the book's usefulness about the topic.
The Vancouver Referencing System (Square Parenthetical Referencing) is one of the preferred layouts for these references. It is a relatively strict way of arranging the bibliographical information. You can use the following third-party online Vancouver Referencing Generator to prepare the correct referencing list. These tools take the raw information - author, title, year of and creates the reference in the correct form according to our journal referencing style. Copy and paste the generated references to your manuscript MS word document.
- Neilstoolbox
- Vancouver Referencing Generator
The following is a guide to how to list references in a reference list. If you have an example that is not covered by the list below, please check with your tutor or the Student Support Officer regarding the correct technique.
Some sample references follow,
Book with one author
Adair, J. Effective time management: How to save time and spend it wisely, London: Pan Books, 1988.
Book with two authors
McCarthy, P. and Hatcher, C. Speaking persuasively: Making the most of your presentations, Sydney: Allen and Unwin, 1996.
Book with three or more authors
Fisher, R., Ury, W., and Patton, B. Getting to yes: Negotiating an agreement without giving in, 2nd edition, London: Century Business, 1991.
Book – second or later edition
Barnes, R. Successful study for degrees, 2nd edition, London: Routledge, 1995.
Book by the same author in the same year
Napier, A. Fatal storm, Sydney: Allen and Unwin, 1993a.
Napier, A. Survival at sea, Sydney: Allen and Unwin, 1993b.
Book with an editor
Danaher, P. (ed.) Beyond the Ferris wheel, Rockhampton: CQU Press, 1998.
If you have used a chapter in a book written by someone other than the editor
Byrne, J. Disabilities in tertiary education, in Rowan, L. and McNamee, J. (ed.) Voices of a Margin, Rockhampton: CQU Press, 1995.
Books with an anonymous or unknown author
The University Encyclopedia London: Roydon, 1985.
Written course material, for example, distance learning unit material
Dhan, S. CAE0001LWR Unit 5: Note-taking skills from lectures and readings, Exeter: Department of Lifelong Learning, 2001.
Department of Lifelong Learning, CAE0001LWR Unit 5: Note-taking skills from lectures and readings, Exeter: Author, 2001.
(NB – Author at the end means that the publisher is the same as the author)
Government publications
Department for Education and Employment (DfEE), Skills for life: The national strategy for improving adult literacy and numeracy skills, Nottingham: DfEE Publications, 2001.
Conference papers
Hart, G., Albrecht, M., Bull, R. and Marshall, L. Peer consultation: A professional development opportunity for nurses employed in rural settings, Infront Outback – Conference Proceedings, Australian Rural Health Conference, Toowoomba, 1992 pp. 143 – 148.
Newspaper articles
Cumming, F. Tax-free savings push, Sunday Mail, 4 April, 1999 p. 1.
Tax-free savings push, Sunday Mail (4 April 1999), p. 3.
Journal article
Muller, V. Trapped in the body: Transsexualism, the law, sexual identity, The Australian Feminist Law Journal, vol. 3, August, 1994 pp. 103-107.
Journal article with both volume and issue number
Muller, V. Trapped in the body: Transsexualism, the law, sexual identity, The Australian Feminist Law Journal, vol. 3, no. 2, August, 1994 pp. 103-107.
Journal article from CD-ROM, electronic database, or journal
Skagen, E.I. & Oberg, B. Predictive factors for the 1-year outcome of low-back and neck pain in patients treated in primary care: Comparison between the treatment strategies chiropractic and physiotherapy, Pain [Electronic], vol. 77, no. 2, 1998 pp. 201-208, Available: Elsevier/ScienceDirect/ O304-3959(98)00101-8, [8 Feb 1999].
Electronic mail (e-mail)
Johnston, R. Access courses for women, e-mail to NIACE Lifelong Learning Mailing List, (, 22 Aug. [24 Aug 2001].
Robinson, T. Re: Information on course structure, e-mail to S. Dhann (, 12 Jul. [13 Jul 2001].
Discussion List
Berkowitz, P. April 3, Sussys gravestone, Mark Twain Forum [Online], 3 Apr, Available e-mail: TWAIN-L@yorkvm2.bitnet [3 Apr 1995].
World Wide Web page
Young, C. English Heritage position statement on the Valletta Convention, [Online], Available: [Accessed: 24 Aug 2001].
Ethical Matters
Authors involving in the usage of experimental animals and human subjects in their research and interested in publishing such research articles should seek approval from the appropriate Ethical committee in accordance with “Principles of Laboratory Animal Care”. The Method section of the manuscript should include a statement to prove that the investigation was approved and that informed consent was obtained
- You will receive a copy of the edited manuscript and, later, page proofs
- Check amendments made by the editor have not rendered the material inaccurate
- Check you have answered all the editors queries
- Ensure your corrections are minimal and necessary
- Mark the adjustments clearly in the text and margins, and keep a copy of what you sent to the editor
- Notify the editorial office of all corrections within 48 hours of your receipt of the material
- Send digitally signed copyright form in PDF to journal email: or