Scope of Journal
Bharat Journal of Pharmaceutical Research (BJPR) sponsored by Pharma Springs Publication is established in the year 2024 with people from various avenues of the pharmacy profession, who have come together in a single platform to redefine the structure of pharmaceuticals and Health sciences profession in the country, where it is seen only as an industry-oriented profession. We are pleased to introduce ourselves as the novel, imminent, and sovereign online pharmacy information services in India. The foundation aims to support every effort to “empower pharmacy education and research/Young research pharmacy scholars”.
BJPR publishes Review articles, Research papers, Short communication, Case study reports, Conference processing, and Editorial Note in multiple disciplines of Pharmaceuticals and Health Sciences. BJPR is completely devoted to publications related to Pharmaceuticals and Health Sciences. BJPR also includes evaluation of pharmaceutical excipients & their practical application to research & industry based efforts.
BJPR also aims to “promote access to health for all”. With the focus on achieving Millennium Development Goals, the foundation actively engages in various projects of healthcare and health promotion interests on its own. As health is a positive concept emphasizing social & personal resources as well as physical capacities, health promotion is increasingly receiving high priority in a bid to achieve the social goal of health for all.
BJPR will be published quarterly per year. The journal publishes original research work that contributes significantly to further the scientific knowledge in Pharmaceutical Sciences and Allied sciences.
Focus and Scope Covers
Pharmaceutical Sciences including Pharmaceutics, Pharmaceutical Technology, Drug Design and Development, Biopharmaceutics and Pharmacokinetics, Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Pharmaceutical Analysis, Pharmacology and Pharmacognosy, Nanotechnology, Medical sciences, Pharmaceutical Biotechnology, Pharmaceutical Management, Hospital Management, Clinical Pharmacy, Hospital Pharmacy, and Community Pharmacy, Pharmacy Practices, Clinical Research, Pharmacovigilance, Bioinformatics, Regulatory Affairs, etc All the disciplines of Allied Sciences including Biology, Biochemistry, Health outcomes research, Evidence-based medicine, Microbiology, neurosciences, pathology, Biomaterial Sciences, Natural chemistry, green chemistry, physiology & medical sciences.
All contributions to the journal are rigorously refereed and are selected based on the quality and originality of the work. The journal publishes the most significant new research papers or any other original contribution in the form of reviews and reports on new concepts in all areas about its scope and research being done in the world, thus ensuring its scientific priority and significance.