Author guidelines

Authors are advised to read and follow the author guidelines during the preparation of their article for submission to Bharat Journal of Pharmaceutical Research (BJPR) the article submitted may not be considered for publication by the editorial board if the manuscript is not prepared following the author's guidelines.

Online submission

Articles submitted to Bharat Journal of Pharmaceutical Research (BJPR) must be uploaded online following the instructions given on the site: After submission, you may periodically monitor the progress of your submission through the review process. If you are facing any difficulties during your submission, please contact the editor at;

Organization, Style, and Format

Articles can be submitted as a Microsoft Word document file (preferably as a .doc file), A4 paper layout, margins set to normal, and should not be locked or protected by a password.  Author details should not be included in any file names and ensure document properties are also anonymized (eg. MS1.doc and not Daniel_MS1.doc; Fig1.Jpeg and not Daniel_Fig1.Jpeg). The article should be written in English (either UK or American English but be consistent) and submitted as a single Microsoft Word file except for the title page.  Use Times New Roman font size 14 for the title, font size 12 throughout the manuscript, font size 12 for tables and figures, and the symbols font for any special characters.  Format the manuscript file as single-column text with Double lines spaced and justification to left. Avoid using “tab” or “space bar”. Paginate all the pages using an automatic page numbering function, use Arabic numeral in the footer of each page using Times New Roman font size 12. Include line numbers (continuous or restart on each page) in your article so that it will be easy to point out items by the editor/reviewer during the article processing or revisions. Non-standard abbreviations should be either fully defined at the first mention or to be listed on the title page.  Internationally accepted abbreviations (e.g. metric units) need not be abbreviated.  Similarly, the use of acronyms should be minimum and maintain consistency throughout the manuscript.

The title page should contain the type of article, title, the full name of authors, affiliations, corresponding author addresses.

Original research articles shall be organized in the order mentioned below or their equivalents. Other article types shall include headings and subheadings as appropriate to their field and the research itself. Ensure the heading levels and subheadings are brief and are indicated using different hierarchies (eg. BOLD CAPS, bold lower case, plain text, italics) for each level heading. Avoid decimal system hierarchies (eg. 2. Materials and Methods, 2.1. Chemicals and reagents..) to differentiate the different heading levels (except review articles) and leave one blank line above and below each major heading or subheading.

  1. Title page
  2. Abstract and Keywords
  3. Introduction
  4. Materials and Methods
  5. Results and Discussion
  6. Conclusions
  7. Acknowledgments
  8. References
  9. End section statements: The end section statements page should be placed after references and include details of grant support, acknowledgments, conflict of interest, Ethical approval, author's contribution, and a list of abbreviations. If the information provided in this section reveals the author's identity, it will not be included during the peer-review process, unlike the title page.

Title, Abstract, and Keywords

The article should have a short description of your research report as the article title and it should draw the reader’s attention. The titles should not exceed more than two lines of 250 characters including spaces.  A short running title should be provided and not exceed more than one line of 100 characters including spaces.  The article title and short running title should be written in sentence cases and the former should be bold.

The author name should be written as first name, middle name (if any), and last name. Exclude all professional titles, positions, etc. along with the author's name. If there are two authors, use “and” between authors. If there are more than two authors, place a comma between author names and use “and” before the last author name.  The list of the author should be ordered based on their substantial contributions to the research. A statement of equal contribution (eg. #Contributed equally as co-first authors)  should be mentioned as a footnote for two first authors on the title page if they have equally contributed to the research. Include a hash symbol (#) in superscript by each author's name if they have equally contributed to the work.  

Affiliations should be written in the title case.  Authors should mention their full affiliation including their department, name of the organization, its location (city, state/province), and country. Include postal code, email address, and phone/fax numbers (prefix with country code) only for the corresponding author. Authors having more than one affiliation shall enter all the affiliations as separate entries on the title page and enter only the preferred affiliation in the online submission portal (if applicable).  Use numbers in superscript to designate all the authors and asterisks in superscript to designate the corresponding author. Affiliation footnotes should appear in numerical order at first mention and there should be only one affiliation footnote for identical affiliations.  During the final revision of the article, if any authors wish to include a change of address before being published, the present addresses) shall be listed below the correspondence details using a unique superscript symbol (eg. †) keyed to the author(s) in the author list.

The abstract must be in one paragraph and shall not exceed 250-300 words covering background and aim, methods, results highlighting the key research findings, and conclusions.  The abstract should not contain any unexplained abbreviations/acronyms or references or any information that is not included in the main text. Ensure that the contents described in the abstract must match with those reported in the main text of the manuscript.

A maximum of 3-8 specific keywords (avoid phrases of several words) shall be given in an alphabetical order separated by commas.  If possible ensure that all keywords are covered in the abstract.

Introduction, Methods, Results, Discussion

The introduction part should be of concise length (maximum one and a half pages) without subheadings stating the aim and objective of the work with relevant and sufficient background literature references. 

The material and methods part may be divided by subheadings and should be written clearly in the past tense in conjunction with cited references which allows other workers to repeat the research if necessary. New methods or relevant modifications in methods should be described in sufficient detail, but if the methods are well recognized, citing the reference will be sufficient. Research involving the use of animal or human or human samples, an ethics approval statement should be included in the end section statements section. All the formulas and mathematical calculations/equations should be edited by using Microsoft equation editor and not inserted as an image file. It should be given separate numbering ([Eq.1], [Eq.2]..).

The authors must obtain their test material (drugs, chemicals, plants, extracts, etc) and test system (cell lines, microbes, animals, etc) characterized/authenticated and give appropriate references for their characterization/authentication on its first appearance in the manuscript. Scientific names of test material/system must be written in a standardized and internationally accepted scientific nomenclature format. The names of the manufacturers/suppliers of special materials (eg. Instruments, Kits, Software) should be clearly described in appropriate places in the methods section. Authors should define all statistical analysis methods clearly and include them at appropriate places (eg. tables, figures, results) in the manuscript.

Results and Discussion should be written clearly and concisely, preferably as one combined section or separately if required. If written separately results shall include subheadings similar to the methods section and discussion written without subheadings. The results should be in past tense and should include the key findings of the work, statistical analysis, and its significance, and represent data using figures, tables, and graphs whenever possible, and do not interpret the findings in the result section but do it while writing the discussion part. Avoid extensive reference and discussion of previously published work if it is not relevant. If the findings are not consistent compared to the finding obtained from the previously published studies, the authors shall discuss the possible reasons for the difference. If the results are inconclusive or preliminary, the authors shall explain them as best they could and/or suggest additional experiments needed to clarify their results.


The conclusion should concisely and clearly explain the significance and novelty of the results obtained in the presented work without citing any references.

Figures and tables

Figures (either JPEG or TIFF file formats, at least 300 dpi resolution) and Tables (maximum size of one page, prepared using insert table function of Word and not to be uploaded in JPEG or TIFF file formats) are inserted immediately after the first paragraph in which they are cited. Tables and figures have to be numbered in consecutive numerical order using Arabic numerals (eg Table 1, 2.. and Figure 1,2..) and ensure that all they are cited in the text in the correct order. Above each table and figure, a concise title (Table 1: Effect of.. and Figure 1: Antioxidant effect of..) should be provided. Footnote captions to figure and table are limited to ~300 words per figure or table and are included beneath the body of the figure or table.  Ensure that all elements found in each figure or table are well described in their footnote caption. Ensure whether the tables and figures are self-explanatory and easy to understand by the readers of this journal. If Tables and Figures are placed separately, their position in the text must be indicated (eg <insert Table 1>; <insert Figure 1>).

If authors wish to submit figures as a multipanel figure, it should be assembled (not exceeding 4 figures in one panel) into one file (avoid sending as separate files) with each figure labeled (eg. A, B, C, D) in the lower left-hand corner and should contrast clearly with the photograph’s background. Crop figures so that no unnecessary space or borders in the figure will reduce file size and improve the accuracy of the figure in the published article.

Line graphs, bar graphs, and pie charts must have easily distinguishable colors/lines/symbols for the different sets of data, and have a white background.

Figures or tables or any other materials reproduced from other sources should be cited appropriately by giving the reference of the source at the end of the figure or table heading. and the corresponding author will be responsible to ensure that prior written consent from published sources was obtained for the reproduction of the same. Any material submitted without permission will be assumed to originate from the authors. Avoid duplication of information in tables or figures and should be limited to no more than 6 each or 12 total for original research/review articles and 6 total for short communications/case reports.  Submission of editable figures will allow the production unit to resize, modify the text styles and fit them on a page.  Maintain the soft copies of the editable figures as you may be asked to respond to reviewer/editor comments and make changes in the figures if required.

Author contributions

The corresponding author should outline the author's contributions (other than those with a single author) to the article using the relevant Contributor roles taxonomy [CRediT] ( roles on the title page. Names of authors must be given as initials (e.g. Robin David Turner; RDT contributed to the design and collection of data).


Any individual who does not meet authorship criteria as described in CRediT or has not made a scholarly/intellectual contribution to the reported work shall be acknowledged.


If the study has been supported by research grants please state the sources of funding including the grant reference details.

Conflict of interest

The journal requires authors to disclose a statement “The authors declare no conflicts of interest” on the title page of the manuscript.  Before submission of the article to the editor of this journal, the corresponding author shall ensure that all authors have given their consent and have approved the final version of the manuscript.


BJPR follows Vancouver style referencing. Vancouver style is used by MEDLINE and PUBMED generally. Hundreds of scientific journals also using this author number systems. References in the text should be cited in the manuscript by Arabic numerals in square brackets and numbered sequentially in order of citation. They should, if applicable, be before punctuation. Try to use the most references from a standard database like pubmed.

EXAMPLE: Text [1, 2]

Style of citation is as follows-

Journal article

[1] Amita K, Shanka sv, nischal kc, Basavaraj hb, benign triton tumor:a rare entity in head and neck region. korean Journal of pathology. 47:74-76, 2013.                                                                      

Articles with a DOI should be referenced as

[2] D zhu, I thapa, Ikoroblov, S gambarotta and PHM budzeloar.redoxactive ligands and organic radical chemisdtry.morg.chem.2011.

Note:  vol, issue number & page is required.


[3] LI Iverson, SD Iverson and sh snyder. Handbook of psychopharmacology vol 2 .plenum press, newyear, 1978, p-99-115.


[4] Al hecker nutrition and physical performance. IN:RH strauss (ED).drugs &  performance in sport. 2nd ed.  HB saunders,  Philadelphia, 1987,p.23-40.


[5] D Williams 2005, screw less clip mounted computer drive, v.s. patent6,885,550.


[6] DJ harding. 2000,redox-active group 6 transition metal alkghe complexes ph.d dissertation. University of bristol, bristol, England.


[7] S chumpawadee, k sommart , T vongpralub and V paotarajinda. Effect of synchronizing the rate of dietary energy and nitrogen release as ruminal fermentation microbial protein synthesis and blood urea in beef cattle .new dimensions and challenges for sustainable livestock farming volume iii in: proceedings of the 11th AAAP animal science congress, kualalumpupur , Malaysia, 2004, p.364.6

Ethical Matters

Authors involving in the usage of experimental animals and human subjects in their research and interested in publishing such research articles should seek approval from the appropriate Ethical committee in accordance with “Principles of Laboratory Animal Care”. The Method section of the manuscript should include a statement to prove that the investigation was approved and that informed consent was obtained

Cover letter

The cover shall include (i) the contact information and affiliation of the corresponding author, (ii) a brief explanation of the appropriateness of the article to be considered for publication for Bharat Journal of Pharmaceutical Research  (iii) names and contact information of two potential reviewers and reviewers to be excluded from reviewing (if any)

Article processing fee

All Article processing fees shall be paid through National Electronic Fund Transfer (NEFT) or Immediate Payment Service (IMPS) payable to the bank details furnished below:

Bank Name: Axis Bank

Branch: Vedayapalem, Nellore

Account No: 921020005152452

Account name: Pharma Springs Publication

IFSC code: UTIB0003289

MICR code: 524211004

Branch code: 003289


Please send the unique transaction reference number along with your manuscript ID by e-mail after payment to:;

Post acceptance information

We strongly recommend the authors to perform a free spelling and grammar check (e.g. Grammarly) before submission and during the revision stage. After acceptance of the final version of your article, the production editor will be sending the galley proof as Portable Document Format to the corresponding author showing the final layout of the article in the published version. The publisher aims to publish the article as rapidly as possible after galley proof has been sent, only a few days may be available for checking proofs. Proofs should be read carefully for typesetter's errors and the accuracy of tables, references, mathematical expressions, etc.  Major alterations to content cannot be made at this stage. Publication of an article may be delayed if proofs are not returned to the editor by the authors by the given deadline. In case, if the corresponding author is held up with other similar deadlines, alternative arrangements for their proofs to be checked quickly. After publication, the editorial board will send a link providing free access to your article. 



All communications regarding the manuscripts submitted for publication in the journal should only be addressed to the editor and electronically sent to;