About the Journal

Future Journal of Pharmacy and Medical Sciences (FJPMS), with an ISSN pending application, is an initiative of Pharma Springs Publications. Slated for launch in 2023, FJPMS aims to bring together diverse experts from the pharmacy and medical sectors. Its core mission is to focus exclusively on the dissemination of breakthroughs and scholarly articles in Pharmaceuticals and Medical Sciences. Scheduled for quarterly issues, FJPMS is committed to publishing high-quality original research that contributes substantially to the advancement of scientific understanding in both Pharmaceutical and Medical disciplines.
Current Issue
Future Journal of Pharmacy and Medical Sciences (FJPMS) ISSN: Applied, sponsored by Pharma Springs Publication, was established in 2023 with people from various avenues of pharmacy and medical professionals. FJPMS is completely devoted to publications related to Pharmaceuticals and Medical Sciences. JPP will be published quarterly. The journal publishes original research work that significantly contributes to furthering scientific knowledge in Pharmaceutical Sciences and Medical sciences.