Plagiarism Policy
Originality and Plagiarism
Authors should ensure that they have written original works. Any work or words of other authors, contributors, or sources (including online sites) should be appropriately credited and referenced. Taking the ideas and work of others without giving them credit is unfair and dishonest. Copying even one sentence from someone else’s manuscript, or even one of your own that has previously been published, without proper citation, is considered plagiarism use your own words instead.
Plagiarism detection
Pharma Springs Publication is a member of the Turnitin plagiarism detection initiative. In cases of suspected plagiarism, Turnitin is available to the editors of our journals to detect instances of overlapping and similar text in submitted manuscripts. The manuscript submitted into this journal will be screened for plagiarism using
Further to the above, “Bharat Journal of Pharmaceutical Research” provides a platform for the open public discussion of the journal contents. The website contents will be available without logging but no peer review comments can be posted on the website without the disclosure of the reviewer identity to the journal editors.
The journal staffs have a policy of screening for plagiarism. All articles in this publication are original: the content (either in full or in part) in each article has not been knowingly republished without specific citation to the original release. Turnitin Plagiarism checker is applied randomly to the majority of the papers submits.