Alpha-Glucosidase in Evaluation and Impact of Anti-Diabetic Retinopathy Activity of Ethanolic Extract of Tinospora Cordifolia Leaves




Tinospora cardifolia, Diabetic retinopathy, Ethanolic leaf extract, Goat eyeballs


In the ethanolic extract of Tinosporacardifolialeaves, the current study amply confirmed the existence of tinosporine, beriberine, glycosidase A to E, alkaloids, and triterpenoids. Among the active components identified by the phytochemical screening procedures were alkaloids, triterpenoids, steroids, glycosides, tannins, polysaccharides, and phenols. These phytochemical elements would be responsible for the diverse pharmacological effects of Tinosporacardifolia. The evaluation of flavonoid content and in vitro methods of anti-diabetic activity of ?-Glucosidase inhibition method also show the efficacy of the ethanolic extract of Tinosporacardifoloia leaves in treating diabetes. The anti-oxidant action is carried out via the hydrogen peroxide scavenging method, which produces a 69% inhibition. By using the protein denaturing process, the Tinosporacardifolia leaf extract shows a 43% decrease of the anti-inflammatory effect. The retina was separated from the eyeballs as a result of the anti-diabetic retinopathy effect of goat eyeballs. The retinas are separated into reference and test samples for the ethanol extract. The Tinosporacardifolialeaves extract do not compare well to the benchmark. The pharmacological uses of Tinosporacardifolia are numerous. These include treatments for histamine, diabetes, high blood pressure, stress, arthritis, Parkinson's illness, HIV, and cancer.


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How to Cite

Vanam Priyanka, Peter Gloria Adeyemi, Nimmalapudi Aashritha, Agunwa Daniel Ebuka, Kota lakshmi veda manasa, Sripathi bhavani, & Alli sowjanya. (2023). Alpha-Glucosidase in Evaluation and Impact of Anti-Diabetic Retinopathy Activity of Ethanolic Extract of Tinospora Cordifolia Leaves. International Journal of Clinical Pharmacokinetics and Medical Sciences, 3(1), 1–9.



Original Article