A Case Report On Type- II Lepra Reaction


  • Samyuktha K Santhiram College of Pharmacy, Nandyal, Kurnool dist, Andhra Pradesh, India
  • Akhila Sailasree T Santhiram Medical College and General Hospital, Nandyal, Kurnool dist, Andhra Pradesh, India
  • Yamini Sarojini N Santhiram Medical College and General Hospital, Nandyal, Kurnool dist, Andhra Pradesh, India
  • Bhargava Reddy C Santhiram Medical College and General Hospital, Nandyal, Kurnool dist, Andhra Pradesh, India




Erythema Nodosum Leprosum, Cellular Immunity, Humoral Immunity, Type 2 Lepra Reaction, Immune Mediated


Lepra reactions remain a significant persistent problem in leprosy. Type 1 and type 2 (erythema nodosum leprosum-ENL) reactions are main cause of nerve damage and permanent disabilities. Type 1 reaction is associated with cellular immunity whereas Type 2 reaction (ENL) is related with humoral immunity and explicitly type 1 reaction is due to the reaction of T helper 1 cells against mycobacterial antigens and type 2 reaction is specified by systemic manifestations along with novel erythematous subcutaneous nodules. Proper diagnosis of lepra reactions is important for timely institution of therapy and to treat disability and morbidity. In this case the patient primarily presented with the symptoms of fever and fatigue along with superficial lesions on hands and face. Abrupt alterations in immune-mediated reaction to mycobacterium leprae antigen are called as lepra reactions.


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How to Cite

Samyuktha K, Akhila Sailasree T, Yamini Sarojini N, & Bhargava Reddy C. (2021). A Case Report On Type- II Lepra Reaction. International Journal of Clinical Pharmacokinetics and Medical Sciences, 1(1), 10–13. https://doi.org/10.26452/ijcpms.v1i1.181



Case Report

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